About Love, Krisdle

Hello You.
Welcome to Love Krisdle.
I’m Krisdle, or Kris for short.

I am an Affiliate Marketer. I promote health and beauty products.
That means if you click on any of the links in any one of my blog posts on lovekrisdle.com and make a purchase, I may earn a commission from your purchase.

Why I Started Love Krisdle

I’m an artist by nature but I’ve always been interested in health and beauty. I
‘ve kept this side hobby of mine quiet for most of my life because my interest stemmed from insecurities about my health and my beauty.

Insecurities that also fueled addictions which got in the way of me taking care of my health and my beauty.

Yet I loved researching these things and I also loved to conduct experiments on myself.
Looking back, it was quite careless and dangerous of me to do so. Believe it or not supplements can kill you.
So please, consult your doctor before starting any new supplemental regime.

With that said, when taken properly, supplements can help help you live a longer, happier, and healthier life.

What Will You Find Here?

Hopefully something that not only you love, but something that will help you live a longer, happier, and healthier life!

I really take pride in the products that I promote because I want what you want.
A product that works. A product that does what it says it’s going to do. I product that’s worth my money.

I also want to hear about it! So please send me a message, tell me all about your story and let’s get to know each other!